Tuesday, 20 August 2024

Filming Schedule

This is the filming schedule (that Bagas made) that will help us organize when and where we plan to film the crime documentary.

Self Reflection:
The filming schedule was meant to helped me stay on track of what to do on a particular day, however, in reality, me and my team went off schedule and didn't do the interview and filming on that date. This is because we were quite busy with other tasks from other subjects, leaving us no time to get together and record the scenes. A solution to this was, communicating through our Whatsapp group to discuss when each of us is free and schedule to meetup then. I contributed by suggesting what day is the most suitable for all of us to meetup so that we could record a certain scene. This helped me improve my time management and negotiation skills (negotiate a period of time to film) and overall made us more organized. In the future, we would be more realistic on what date to record the scenes so that everyone can be present on that day. 

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