Thursday, 5 September 2024

Script + Storyboard

This is our script (made by Bagus) and storyboard (made by me) for the crime documentary 


Synopsis: A teenage boy (Bagus) has been having strong feelings for his best friend,  a girl named (Anargya), after a good long friendship. He decides to finally let go of his feelings and plan a confession, but it did not go his way. From then on, his life took a sharp turn. He disappeared mysteriously, friends worried, teachers worried of his disappearance 


Friend 1: Saka

Friend 2:Louis

Friend 3: Nicho


Interviewer: What do you think of Bagus?

Friend 1: What do I think of Bagus? He is a very close friend of mine, he is a happy person and he is fun, he is everyone’s friend and he is very kind. He was always by my side whenever I needed him and he was a very kind guy. 

Question: Regarding the things that happened, would you mind explaining the aftermath?

Friend 1, Saka: There were some side effects, he was a shell of himself, did not open up to anyone and even locked himself in his room. Recently also, this girl Bagus had an interest in, she also disappeared, her friends were worried about her, up until the point that her mom tried calling the school. There was zero response. 

Question: Are there any questions that arise?

Friend 1, Saka: Yeah, I personally question if their disappearances are related, you know, does this rejection have any correlation?


Friend 2 Louis: He was really one the nicest guys i’ve ever met, I talk to him everyday? Mostly everyday?Almost everyday?I mean, I try to talk to him if he cooperates, he is very hard to talk to some day. But regardless, he is a very happy guy who brings everyone a smile, to me as well. A literal sunshine. But recently, he’s been acting a bit off lately…

Interviewer: Do you think that there is a correlation in their disappearance?

Friend 2, Louis: You know, I think both of your disappearances are very sketchy, I'm just wondering if you had anything to do with that?, or did she have anything to do with that?


Question: Who is Bagus to you?

Friend 3, Nicho, (In full Indonesian): Nama saya Nicholas Gilbert Limardi, saya adalah teman baik dari Bagus, kalau menurut saya Bagus adalah orang yang sangat baik, dia orangnya sangat friendly, reliable juga disaat perlu bantuan, dia selalu ada. Kadang juga dia orangnya sangat menyenangkan, dia sering curhat ke saya, menceritakan masalah hidupnya, kalau dia ngejar cewe juga biasa dia bilang ke saya, kalau gagal pun dia bilang ke saya. 

(Translation: My name is Nicholas Gilbert Limardi, I am a good friend to Bagus. In my opinion, he is a very nice guy, very friendly and reliable. Whenever I needed help he was always there to assist, with that, he is also a fun person. We talk about deep topics a lot and he talks about his life problems. He also tells me everything regarding the girls he likes, and if he gets rejected he also tells me.)

Interviewer: What happened recently, do you want to tell us about it?

Friend 3, Nicho, in full Indonesian: Kebetulan baru- baru ini Bagus kena tolak, setelah penolakan itu, bagus mulai berubah, senyuman yang biasa dia pakai ke sekolah sudah mulai menghilang, keceriaan di dalam suaranya juga sudah mulai memudar, dia juga sekarang sudah jarang muncul di sekolah. 

Question, Nicho, in full Indonesian: Tapi menurut saya, kehilangan dia dan kehilangan Bagus, pasti ada hubunganya. 



Shot 1-4

Shot 5-8

Shot 9-12

Shot 13-16

Shot 17-20

Shot 21-22

Self Reflection:
The script helped the actors (me and Nicho) know what to say in each scene. The storyboard was useful for assisting in visualising what the opening documentary would roughly look like. For the script, I gave suggestions of what I would normally say so that I don't have to improvise alot of my lines. A problem that I encountered was that I had difficulty to embed my script into my blog post (because when I tried to do so, there was so many lines of code that I don't know what to do with it). So to solve it, I just copy and paste the contents and move on with it. The skills I improved was my improvising skills since I'm not the type of person to 100% remember their lines so I improvised and tried to act like I was having a normal conversation with someone. I also developed my confidence since I'm not used to talking infront of a camera so that was quite challenging for me, however after a few retakes, I started to feel more sure of myself and just did it. Meanwhile, while making the storyboard, I had difficulties thinking about what scene would come next and thus result in taking way too much time to finish it. However, it was worth it since all of my team members could visualize the chronological events of the documentary and they could record it based on the storyboard. In the future, when making the storyboard, I would just roughly sketch the scenes and give more detail once the quick sketches was all done.

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