Tuesday, 13 August 2024

Location Scout and Risk Assessment

In this post, I select 4 locations and determine potential risks that may be involved when filming there. 

Location 1

Location 1


Regents Secondary School (classrooms)

Events in scene:

Interview with Bagus's Friends, happy pictures of Bagus
and his crush

Pros of location:

Easy to access, classroom aren't loud, clean, good lighting

Cons of location:

Some people might go into the classrooms unexpectedly, not all classrooms are empty (teacher might be present)


Someone's living room

Risk Assessment 

Potential hazards:

The projector might fall off randomly and it could hit someone.

Evaluate risks: 

If the projector hit someone in the head, it would cause
brain injury and it could lead to memory loss.

Control measures:

We would prevent it by not touching the projector.


We all will be in charge of the control measure to keep
everyone safe.

Time frame:

We would do the controlmeasure before we shoot the interviews
in the classroom.

Other notes:

Location 2

Location 2


My friend’s house

Events in scene:

Establishing shot of the house and Interviews will be done here

Pros of location:

The house has a dark surrounding with many windows that could be used to create sense of suspense

Cons of location:

The whole family lives there so loud noises aren’t recommended.


Other friend's house

Risk Assessment 

Potential hazards:

Slippery floors, stairs are steep and the second floor is quite high up

Evaluate risks: 

People can get injured

Control measures:

Constant checkups just in case and warnings before we enter


We will all be responsible of ourselves and since its our friend’s house then its mostly on him to keep the location safe

Time frame:

All the time since we'll be in a group and if somebody gets injured, medicine and other first aid kit can be found in the house

Other notes:

Location 3

Location 3


Kebun Raya Bedugul

Events in scene:

Pictures of Bagus with the girl being happy and then, he

will confess to the girl and get rejected

Pros of location:

It is a beautiful location that is suited for a confession to take place. The location is vast so we could shoot many variations of the scene and take advantage of the different surronding backgrounds (use the leaves for a more romatic mood).

Cons of location:

It is quite crowded at some period of time and it could potentially ruin the shot since some tourist might be in it. Also, Kebun Raya is far away so if we took a shot that we don't like, we would have to go to Kebun Raya again to reshoot.


Renon Park

Risk Assessment 

Potential hazards:

A big branch might fall off from one of the tall

trees and hit someone's head

Evaluate risks: 

The concussion could lead to a braininjury and ppotentially causing

lossing consciousness

Control measures:

Stay away from unstable looking trees/tree branches.


Everyone is in charge for the control measure since everyone is

responsible for their own safety. We could also remind each other of potential risk that might happen around the environment.

Time frame:

31st Agust 2024

Other notes:

Location 4

Location 4


Klungkung Red Bridge

Events in scene:

Bagus went out of the car with the girl and he got rejected by her

Pros of location:

Looks unique and aesthetic which it's a suitable location for a 
confession to take place. It's an open and wide space for us to easily record the scene.

Cons of location:

far from our homes so the way there is very time consuming, we also went past big, high speed traffic roads on the way which is very dangerous. Due to the earthquake threats of Indonesia recently, filming near the bridge will be very dangerous.


Kebun Raya

Risk Assessment 

Potential hazards:

Possible crash on the road, possible

earthquakes and would create a tsunami that would greatly imapact us

since its close to the shore.

Evaluate risks: 

A crash could happen and the recording

would have to stop

Control measures:

We prevent these from happening by not recording in busy place.


We would all be incharge of the control measures and be responsibe

for our own safety. If anyone is doing something dangerous,

we could remind them and discourage them from doing it.

Time frame:

1st September 2024

Other notes:

Self Reflection:
During the brainstorm session of thinking for potential ideas for the crime documentary, me and my team originally thought of 3 locations that would be suitable for our documentary. These locations were classrooms, my friend's house, and Kebun Raya. To assess the location futher, the location scout blog post that I made, helped us to evaluate whether if it was the right fit for the scenes and whether there weren't too many factors that could risk the safety of others at the location. After some more discussions and filming, we decided that we wouldn't be able to film at Kebun Raya because it was very far away from everyone. Also, there was an event at Klungkung where me and my team were invited which conveniently was near the Klungkung Red Bridge; so we took advantage of it and film it there instead. Next time, we would choose a location where it wasn't too far away but still suitable for the scenes. 

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