Saturday, 5 August 2023

Camera Angles and Movements

 Here is a video I made experimenting with different camera angles + movements

Medium Shot: Shows the audience the subject's action (walking down the stairs) and facial expression (shocked).

Tilt up/low angle: The use of the tilt up reveals a second subject while the low angle makes the subject look intimidating and superior. This makes the audience feel worried for the first subject.

High Angle: Gives the impression that the subject look fragile, defenseless, or intimidated from this angle. 

Zoom in: bring in the audience closer to the subject (face), creating suspenseful scene and shows emotion (fear)

Close-up shot: Mostly portrays the character's expression, here we can see both characters are given close up shots of their faces, displaying their expression of seriousness or cowardness. 

Extreme close-up: A shot that is only focused on small subject, like the eye, to show a deep-intense emotion. This shot captures a glare from the victim to create suspense, and a smirk to make the audience feel relieved.

Medium shot: Shows the subject's expression (happy) as they perform an action (hugging).

Self Reflection:
I am good at coming up with the general idea for the video however when me and my teamate are about to record it, we couldn't find enough people so we had to improvise by shortening the scenes. This mini project helped me to recognize the different camera angles, movements and it's effect on each shot. I might use some of these techniques in my final storyboard, like the medium shot. Next time, I would do better in continuity editing to make the scenes flow better.

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