Monday, 29 July 2024

My Team

This is my Team




Self Reflection:
I selected these people to be my team because one, they are my close friends and I know that they are capable of doing this project. I also know their strengths and thus we can all cover for each other weaknesses. Such as Bagas is skilled in editing and shooting the scenes; Nicho and Bagus were great actors; while my strong point was brainstorming potential ideas for the crime documentary and help finish incomplete blog posts such as a part orf the statement of intent, location scout, and storyboard. Not only that, I also came up with the twist to make the opening documentary more engaging to the audience. Problems that we encounter was that we kept delaying to film because we were all busy with many assignments and projects from other subjects. This then made us feel rushed at the end of week 7 and 8 and I felt slightly overwhelmed. The solution to resolve this was to delegate each blog posts to a team member to lighten up the burden. Then at the end, I copy their blog posts and paste it to mines and state how I contributed in the self reflection. Next time, I would like to start encouraging my team to start filming as early as possible to get feedback early on (from my teacher and my friends) so that the end result would be the best version and we all wouldn't feel as overburdened by the unfinished tasks.

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