Thursday, 5 October 2023

Weekly Progress and Plan

 Here is my Weekly Progress for the magazine progress and also a rough plan


Term 2


Term 3


(2 Oct)

Brief, Research


( 8 Jan)









Shoot, Self Reflection




Post Production




Post Production




(12 Feb)

Deadline (Monday 12th February)





Semester 1

Week 1

+ I did a game that reviewed the key terms we learned about during term 1 and I kept missing the ball when I tried to throw it into the box.

+ I learned about different types of narrative theory and 5 narrative codes. There was alot of terms that are needed to be memorize and it can be used for section A in the exam.

+ I got introduced to the magazine brief, made 3 blog posts, and we have a homeowork due next friday which is the labling and give brief descriptions of 2 front covers.

Week 2 

+ Me and my group wrote a section A exam answer about the introduction of one piece. This includes the main idea of the video, the technical elements used (camera angles, mise-en-scene, and edit) and state how these techinques create meaning.

+ I learned about representation theory ,that is made by Stuart Hall, which might be used for in my magazine. I need to be careful how I show my magazine to create the intended meaning that I want.

+  I continued my magazine research by analysing the front cover of a magazine. I learned that the typography used can convey the attitude or the tone of the content, the importance of how the image is positioned (what camera angle is used, its pose, or how he/she is dressed) which has a cruical role of capturing the audience attention, and the use of languange to make a connection with the reader. By knowing these knowledge I can implement the type of typography, image, and language to suit my final project.

+ I have a homework due next friday of making a magazine analysis (2 big detials, 4 small details). The task isn't too difficult but it'll definetly be time consuming.

Week 3

+ I analysed 2 front cover in detail and 4 less detailed magazines (state what I like, dislike and what I learned from the research)
+ I took a foto of a magazine covers and contents 
+ I started to fill in my statement of intent

+ I'm not too sure what genre to use for my statement of intent
+ I'm having a problem with time management to finish my media assignments since I get distracted easily

+ Asking friends and teachers for advise and do brainstorming about potential ideas

To do lists:
+ Do research about motorcycle magazine in detail
+ Finish statement of intent
+ Finish the postive social group representation about foreigns in Bali.

Week 4

+ Writing a text about how genre theory can target different audiences in media. In this tasks, I spent too much time thinking what case study I should use and thus I ran out and time and I didn't wrote as much as I wanted to.
+ I analysed the demographics and psychographics of 2 different magazines to show how the mise-en-scene are used in the cover of the magazine targets different audiences
+ I finished my magazine research and statement of intent (this was very time consuming)
+ I made a new post about my magazine development (what masthead, image, and article should I choose to put into my magazine)

+ I am easily distracted and I lack the time management and that make me spending my nights finishing up my magazine research and statement of intent.
+ My blog cannot update when I tried to embed my statement of intent into it

+ Elimiate my distractions (phones, games)
+ Ask mr in future classes how to embed my statement of intent properly

+ Finish up my Magazines: Targeting Audiences through Demographics + Psychographics blog post since I haven't labeled the magazines yet

Week 5

+ Me and my team made a midemap about Desensitisation Theory. I present it to my classmates and do a gallery walk around the class and revise other theories.
+ I researched about a double page spread for a motorcycle magazine, and made 3 more blog posts

+ I had a problem with finding the issue and publisher for the magazine that I analysed which leads to less time for me to complete the research for the magazine

+ If I can't find it within a few minutes, move on to other section of the research and finish that first.

+ Finish my double page spread analysis in google spreadsheet
+ Complete my technical skill (online) blog (include the problem, and links to a step by step solution)

Week 6

+ I finished my double page spread analysis. The overall task was easy to do, however I had a slight difficulty in searching for the issue for my magazines.
+ I learned about the difference between traditional and new media. I learned that new media is basically a combination of traditional media. It was quite easy to understand since my teacher used real life examples and explained it in an simple way (no complex words).

+ I don't know what to write for my 1st draft double page article 

+ I asked chatgpt for ideas what to write for a motorcycle magazine article and it gave me suggestions of a interview and a review

+ Finish my 700 word draft article for my magazine

Week 7

+ Tick a checklist on what I done and haven't done in my blog (brief,  weekly progress, terminology)    

+ I still haven't finished my article
+ I haven't finish my reflection for most of my blog posts

+ I will manage my time and finish it before my due date
+ I will make my self reflections for my blog posts in my free time

+ Complete all my posts with self reflections
+ Take pictures of potential locations that I want to put in my magazine

This is my last week for the second term. I learned that having a to-do-list really helped me in organizing my tasks and what I have to do in each week. The hardest challenge for me was thinking of a problem for the week and solution to solve it. This weekly progress helped to keep me on track. I am excited for the holidays and I would read more magazines in bookstores to give me some inspirations.

Semester 2

Week 1

Note: I reverted to week 1 to ease my tracking of what I did thoughout the semester since my teacher isn't going to say that the deadline is going to be on week 12 so I'm doing this to help my future self.

+ I learned about the 3 stages of producing media (mostly movies) which is Production, Distribution, & Exhibition
+ I learned different types of mass media production (Commercial & Not for Profit) and saw real-life examples of  it such as the BBC
+ Me and my class also started our collaborative notes so that we can share our notes and prepare for upcoming tests/assignments
+ I changed my blog design to fit the cambridge requirement and to ease their marking. The biggest difference being: not needing to click on a blog post in order to open it but just scrolling is enough to go through all of them

+ I had problems changing my blog design since my laptop isn't loading as fast as others and I cannot follow my teacher

+ I use my personal hotspot for better connection

+ Research more company examples of distribution so I get a better understanding of it

Week 2 

+ I learned about media consolidation (how more media companies being owned by fewer and fewer owners)
+ I learn about the difference between vertical and horizontal integration. My teacher then gave examples of each of them such as Disney and Warner Brothers. 

+ I didn't have enough time in class to sketch 6 draft magazine front covers (I only did 3)

+ I should draw faster 

+ Finish my magazine development reflection for my magazine sketches and potential ideas to use.

Week 3

+ I learned about cross media convergerence (a media product that can be seen via different platforms) and the difference with synergy

+ I learned about news websites,companies and how they use agenda setting and framing to attract audiences

+ I started making experimental layouts for my front cover magazine

+ I couldn't upload my font to google drawing

+ I use one of the preset fonts that is provided

+ I have to make blog posts about the layout of content page and double page spread

Week 4

+ I practiced exam style questions with my partner about media ownership
+ I started my critical self reflection about my magazine

+ My assignments are getting piled up and I'm a little overwhelemed

+ Focus on completeting the assignment one by one

+ Finish my photoshoot for my front cover, content, and double page
+ Finish content and double page development
+ Finish risk assessment for 2 more locations

Week 5

+ I had a unit test about synergy
+ I continued making my contents page development

+ I had problem with coming up with ideas when sketching my contents page

+ I look for inspirations from the internet (google)

+ Continue my contents page development 
+ Start my double page development
+ Finish my critical self reflection presentation
+ Finish risk assessment and location scout blog post

Week 6

+ I continued my front cover page and contents page research and development blog post
+ I made my double page spread development blog post
+ I started making my final magazine pages

+ There was a ceremony in the morning so our lesson got caught in half

+ Do the rest of the project at home

+ Finish front cover, contents, and double page spread development blog post
+ Finish my self reflection powerpoint
+ Finish my final pages for magazine
+ Finish risk assessment and location scout blog post

Week 7

+ I finished making my front cover page and research and development blog post
I finished making my contents page and research and development blog post
I finished making my double page spread and research and development blog post
+ I finished my final magazine blog post
+ I finished my critical self reflection powerpoint
+ I finished my location scout and risk assessment blog post

+ It took longer time than expected to finish everything 
+ I had some second thoughts on which double page spread I should use for my final one

+ I asked my friends to accompany me while we all complete the magazine project together in a voice call so time feels faster and I'm not bored.
+ I used a coin flip to decided which one I should choose

+ Take a rest

The benefits of consistently updating and using the weekly progress is that it acts as a reminder on the assignments that I haven't done and I can track what assignments that I have done. This made me more organized and it encouraged me to create a plan to finish the remaining tasks so I don't feel overwhelmed before the deadline arrived. At first, I felt excited on making a motorcycle magazine because it's something I haven't done before and I want to see how it'll turn out but when I started making the article, it felt draining. Then, I felt enthusiastic again because I started to design the layouts of the magazine which I found fun but again, making the critical self reflection made me feel annoyed since I did this already in the past and it's boring. My attitude is basically a rollercoaster of ups and downs but atleast I get it done. I learned time management because there isn't enough time to do all the project work in class so I have to manage my time wisely to finish it in my free time. Also I learned to improve my communication skills by discussing and asking for feedback from my friends and teacher to help refine my magazine and to ensure its highest quality potential has been reached. 

Week 8





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