Sunday, 20 August 2023

Text Analysis - A Quiet Place

This is my video analysis for 'A Quiet Place' 

Section A

The text was an extract from 'A Quiet Place.' The film maker uses technical elemtes to make the town feel abandoned, making any sound is prohibited, and is challenging to live in this world

The film maker wanted the town to look and feel abandoned. This is done by showing broken traffic lights, extreme long shots of empty roads, shopping carts on the floor, and close up shots of empty shelfs in the convinence store. Most of the mise en scene listed used static camera movement to show that there is no action happening and made the area feel barren. Extreme long shot was used to emphasis of how uninhabited the street was while close up shots reveals the messy and unstocked shelfs which implies that there was no one to fix them. Finally, trucking and tilt up camera movements was used to reveal more areas of the store, the lack of diegetic sound made the world more empty, and adding an non-diegetic sound (eerie score) further adds on to the abandoned atmosphere - making the audience feel uneasy and cautious. 

1 comment:

  1. - Give specific example of the extreme long shots. Tell me what they show. Also you need to describe the mise-en-scene more. Give me more detail of the traffic light etc.
    - Mention what part of the scene the 'eerie score' started.
    - Give me specific examples of diegetic sound and explain their meaning.


Screen Test: Audience Feedback

This post explains how we showed a rough draft of our music video, album cover, and social media page to some members of our target audience...